V Season 1 on DVD

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V Season 1 is now on DVD and would make the perfect stocking stuffer.

synopsis of the show:  The Visitors are among us. In a single shared moment, they appear in every major city in the world, promoting a message of peace. They want to share their knowledge of technology; they want us to unite. And they are counting on a very important component of human nature: devotion. At first considered a threat, the Visitors — or V’s — quickly become a fascination. But when FBI Counter Terrorist Agent Erica Evans discovers what lurks beneath the alarmingly human exterior of the V’s, resisting this new world has never been more important — and never has there been more at stake. It truly is the dawning of a new day.

If  strange extraterrestrial visitors land in my town I would be thrilled and a bit frightened. First of all it would be exciting just to know what they look like and how they live. Is it close to our lives, is it totally different.  At the same time there are unknowns that would make me terrified. Why are they here, eat us, kill us. Plus you really never know what to expect.

I think my family would be really scared and want nothing to do with it.  I would talk with them about the situation and tell them that, this could be an exciting time or could be one of the most horrible experiences ever.  I know my children would definitely be terrified.

You can watch full length episodes of V here.  Go out and get the DVD today and catch up before Season 2 starts on Jan. 4.  9/8c on ABC: “Visit http://bit.ly/e6ABTG to pick up your set in time for the holidays.

 “I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote V: The Complete First Season on DVD. You can purchase a copy here: http://bit.ly/e6ABTG.”

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