Get Organized With Smead In Time To File Your Taxes

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Now that the holidays are over it is time to turn our attention to one of the most challenging organizing events of the year – no, not those new year’s resolutions, I’m talking about getting it all together for taxes.  Soon you’ll start receiving forms and more in the mail. It can get overwhelming, and if your like me you just throw it in a corner until the last-minute.  Luckily my husband is the opposite, and makes sure everything is very organized. 

Smead Organomics has several different organizing tools to help this tax season. 

The Tax Organizer:  This is so easy and convienant to use. As a blogger we have to pay taxes on everything we get. So I have a long spread sheet I put together every month to keep track. Plus if I go on a trip I have to keep all receipts to count as biz expenses. It can get very messy. I have put all my receipts and excel sheets in the tax organizer by month and I can find everything a lot easier. It is not just like file folders, they have pockets on every folder for extra security. There is also a checklist on the inside cover to help you.

Expanding File:  The expanding file  is great to keep record of your taxes by year or month. I have started using it as a file organizer for all my press releases. I get about 20 a month and they get scattered. So I have them organized by subject in the expanding file.

Need advice? Smead also has tax advice available on their website.

You can find these products at a special price at retailers like Wal-MartOffice Depot, and Amazon

Disclosure: I received tax organization products, and I will be receiving a $20 gift card. all opinions are my own.

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One thought on “Get Organized With Smead In Time To File Your Taxes

  1. I am the organizer in our house! Really like that tax organizer you have as part of the review. Hubby is a carpenter, and he hands me McDonalds bags with receipts in them argggg!

    Nice review!

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