PantyGram is The Perfect Gift for Him This valentines Day Giveaway2/12

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I hate shopping for my husband, he is so picky. I usually just get him nothing but a romantic night.

PantyGram is a great gift idea and will catch his attention, plus maybe get him in the mood.

The idea is not for you to wear the panties (i guess you could try). The panties arrive in a black envelope and it tells him to go to and look for your special message. There he will receive the special message you leave for him.  The pantys are just to get his attention, and get him in the mood for a romantic evening!

I have a pantygram code to giveaway to make someone’s day special

To enter tell me who this would go to?

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Contest ends 2/12/11

Disclosure: No compensation product was received, giveaway item is being provided by PantyGram.

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