Celebrate Valentines Day With Your Own Love Bug Or Teddy Giveaway Closed

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Build A Bear has Love Bug or a Love Bear to help you celebrate Valentines Day this year.

Love Bug is 18 IN.

Love Bear is 17 IN

both the Love Bug and Love Bear retail for $16.oo ( that is only for the bear, does not include clothes)

*****I received a Love Bear to review. This bear is so cute and cuddely and when all dressed up looks like a little cupid. My kids all started fighting over this when I received it, they all wanted it.  Build A Bear has even changed their boxes to red with cute hearts all over it.

Right now through Feb. 14, you receive a free box of Sweethearts candy with every purchase. You can also choose to donate $1 at checkout to help support thr Children’s Heart Foundation.

I have 1 $25 Build A Bear gift card, for you to make your own Love Bug or Love Bear

To enter tell me who you would pick Love Bug or Bear?

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Contest Ends 2/12/11

Disclosure: No Compensation was received, I will be receiving a Love Bear for a review. Opinions are my own.

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