sing a song even if it doesn’t make sense

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have you ever heard the school yard chant “beans beans the magical fruit.” well bushs baked beans wants you to rewrite that chant and tell people that beans are a vegetable.  they have teamed up with parent bloggers network this week to write about your favorite kiddie songs.

my kids love to sing. my daughter mckenzie makes up songs just about anything.  some of her songs are, i took her toys away for not cleaning them up. she sang,

 “mommy don’t take my toys away, i love you ,but  those are my toys. how am i suppost to play. don’t take my toys away”     

know notice ther is a song similar from the cartoon yo gaba gaba, but this was long before that show came out.  there was one on mothers day.

” mommy it’s mothers day and i got you a present. happy mother day mommy, i hope i’m good for you. okay so it doesn’t really make sense but it’s cute she’s only 3.

child hood songs that we sing together get twisted around in words. there is the alphabet, you know abcdefghij etc. well my daughter alexandra takes the lmnop part and wiggles her tongue to skip that part. they know row row your boat, but skip straight to the part of if you see a crocadile don’t forget to scream. and my daughter added another part. row row row your boat gently down the stream, merrily lifes a piece of cake.

some of the funniest i sing with the are old mcdonald, it’s so funny to try and see them snort there noses. i taught them patty cake and ring around the roses’ and i still play them. my kids have combined them together into one jingle.

they roll their arms and say patty cake patty cake. then they throw there arms in the air and say fall down. then they fall down 

now just imagine these two cuties singing those songs.

this post was written for parent bloggers network as an entry for a contest sponsored by bush’s beans

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