America’s biggest Bedtime Story GiveawayClosed

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Grab your comfiest blanket and favorite PJs and find a good spot in front of the computer. The nation’s largest annual bedtime story event, America’s Biggest Bedtime Story, is back for its fourth year and will feature one of the world’s most recognizable superstars. BOOK IT!, the reading incentive program sponsored by Pizza Hut, is teaming up with Justin Bieber, the Grammy Nominated R&B/Pop singing sensation, as this year’s celebrity reader to motivate children to read more and help them develop a lifelong love of reading. Children, parents and teachers alike are encouraged to join the online webcast of Justin’s reading at Feb. 15 starting at 8 a.m. CST.

Justin will be reading his favorite book, Dr. Seuss’s Cat In The Hat. Plus if the attendance this year surpasses last years 215,000, Book It will donate $25,000 to the Pencils of Promise charity.

To join all you have to do is log on on February 15 starting at 8 a.m. CST. The webcast will be available online until 11:59 p.m. CST on February 18. Besides the story there will be activities, a chance to win prizes and tips on how to raise a reader.

I have a PJ prize pack to give one reader.

You will win a $10 Pizza Hut gift card, Dr. Seuss’s Cat In the Hat book, and a pair of Justin’s 3D purple sunglasses.

To enter: Tell me your favorite storybook

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Contest ends 2/10/11 at 2pm est

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, giveaway is being provided by Pizza Hut.

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