Building A Maze Through All This Snow

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So here in Long island we have had a total of about 8 storms, maybe more. Our most recent was an ice storm, and let me tell you it was not fun falling on my butt three times taking out the trash.  Most of the ice has melted, but we still have piles of snow lying around that are anywhere from 3ft to 6 ft.  

My kids have a friend that lives next door, and always go through the backyard to visit (we share a yard). well every time my kids went to play they would come in and there clothes would be soaked from walking through the deep snow. So we came up with the idea to make a maze connecting everyone’s house, so we didn’t have to walk through deep snow.

here is the walkway from the front to the back yard.

Here is the walkway from the neighbors to our house.

then the walkway connecting to our house, which we have our bikes on right now.

I still have a couple more walkways to make, but the kids love it and call it their little maze. We are expecting a few more days of snow in our 10 day forecast, so hopefully all this work I did wasn’t for nothing.

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2 thoughts on “Building A Maze Through All This Snow

  1. Ahh that looks like here in the MidWest 🙂
    I made ‘walkways’ outside for the feral cat colony I feed (thats bad!) The snow was so deep they were having a rough time getting to fresh food & water.
    Ice storms- those are the worst! We had a couple of them early in December but it has been too cold for it to do much but snow.

  2. I miss having snow like that 🙁 Ice storms definitely suck, that’s what we generally get here.

    Thanks for the pictures (and the memories!)

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