Mars Needs Moms GiveawayClosed

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Mars Needs Moms will hit theatres on March 11 in 3D.

Description: Nine-year-old Milo finds out just how much he needs his mom  when she’s nabbed by Martians who plan to steal her mom-ness for their own young. Produced by the team behind “Disney’s A Christmas Carol” and “The Polar Express,” “Mars Needs Moms” showcases Milo’s quest to save his mom—a wild adventure in Disney Digital 3D and IMAX 3D that involves stowing away on a spaceship, navigating an elaborate, multi-level planet and taking on the alien nation and their leader. With the help of a tech-savvy, underground earthman named Gribble and a rebel Martian girl called Ki, Milo just might find his way back to his mom—in more ways than one.


I have 1 Mars Needs Moms prize pack to giveaway

You will win

  • Adult size Mars Needs Mom shirt
  • Youth size Mars Needs Mom shirt
  • Mars Needs Moms 3 pack temporary tattoos.

Giveaway is open to US and Canada.

To enter tell me if you plan on seeing this movie?

Extra entries:

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Contest ends March 11, 2011

Disclosure: No compensation or products were received. Giveaway is being supplied By Disney.


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46 thoughts on “Mars Needs Moms GiveawayClosed

  1. My daughter asked me the other day if we could see this movie when it comes out. I think we will!

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