why i’m not around

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i know i have been posting very infrequantly, and i’m sorry. i have had a ton going on the past week. everything thing in my life is going wrong and i’m battling depression. from my marriage to just my daily life troubles. so please bare with me as  i may post some days and others not post at all

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One thought on “why i’m not around

  1. Hang in there and remember that God doesn’t give us more than he thinks we can handle. I’m sure, like any other mother, you are a multi-tasker. You deserve to take a break, take a deep breath, regroup and trudge ahead again. Live strong. If all else fails, watch an episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Makes me cry so hard knowing there are people in the world with so many obstacles that they have to overcome. Life is the hardest job you will ever have. Take it moment by moment, day by day and take the time to see the love and joy in the little ones faces. Do not be afraid to seek help though. There is no crime in admitting you need help. The only crime is not seeking it. Love and light!

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