Find The Best Coupons At Coupon Chief

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I don’t write about a lot of deals or coupons on my site, but I am actually a very thrifty person.   I save tons of money every week, by printing coupons and looking for online discount codes.  One of my favorite sites to get coupons from is, they have the largest selection of coupons available, plus I’ve never had one of the coupons I’ve used not work.  My favorites are Build A Bear and

I actually just saved $30 from Build A Bear coupon I found on Coupon Chief!

Coupon Chief also helps you earn money just by sharing. You can earn money by uploading your coupons. All you have to do is visit Coupon Chief and join the Pays 2 Share program, upload a coupon, then every time someone uses that coupon you will get 2% of the sales. Its such and easy way to make money and help others save.

Disclosure: I was compensated for this post. All opinions are 1000% my own and were not altered at all.

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2 thoughts on “Find The Best Coupons At Coupon Chief

  1. Thanks so much for posting this- besides entering contests my other hobby is couponing- both work well at saving money! I am going to check them out!

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