Where Is My Spring?

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It’s crazy how just a few days ago, I was outside with no jacket and could of even had shorts on. It was almost 70.   Today it the forecast called for rain and tempuratures in the 50’s. Nope, this morning I woke up to sleet.  Then I look out my window a few moments ago and……………………..

No, I don’t want anymore snow, I am so sick of it seriously.  So weather gods and Puxatony Phil, Where is my Spring?

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One thought on “Where Is My Spring?

  1. It is the same way here in the MidWest! We have a warm day of 50 or so (one day it was 60) and it is followed by 30s again :/
    I have spring fever bad & keep looking out the window where later the spring the garden will be planted!

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