How Do You Say That (From Everywhere) Vlog Hop 2

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Roof, Root, Illinois,  Arkansas River,  Missouri,  About,  Ask,  Abdomen,  Especially, Hierarchy,  Often,  Realtor, Coyote


1. What do you call it when friends get together and eat food outside?

2. What do you call the meal at noon? What about 6pm?

3. What do you call the thing you put your groceries in after you buy them?

4. What is it called when you ride a sled down a snowy hill?

5. What is another word for a stream you find in the woods?

6. What is the piece of furniture you store you clothes in?

7. What do you call the stuff you throw away?

8. What is the huge piece of furniture in your living room that at least 3 people can sit on?

9. What is the common/slang way for where you live to say, “Calm down”?

10. What do you call the colorful candy toppings you put on donuts?

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