Glee Encore Giveaway Closed

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Get Ready, Young Gleeks! With the newest release of the hit Fox TV show younger fans of the popular tv show can enjoy the innocence and fun of the show, all the music they love in one place. With the all new music version of the DVD, moms can sit back, relax and turn off their “parental control”. Fox has created a more family friendly home viewing experience that focuses more on the music, than the mature features.

Glee encore takes 30 show stopping numbers from the first season and combines them together for a fun-filled, all music version that kids and tweens will love.

Please keep in mind that this is a family friendly version, so you can enter for your kids.

I have one copy to giveaway

To enter: Who is your favorite Glee performer? Gwyneth Paltrow, Britney Spears, or Kristin Chenoweth?

Extra entries:

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Contest ends 4/30

Disclosure: No compensation or product was received. Giveaway is being sponsored by Fox.

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  1. Pingback: Glee Encore Giveaway 4/30 « No Time Mommy NY Mom Blogger | Glee Antics

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