why i need a laptop

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we have one desktop computer in my house in which me and my husband share.  it’s not really a ideal situation.

i am a blogger and my husband is a college student and we constantly fight over the computer. now imagine 3 kids in the mix ripping at paperwork and deleting things off the computer. so i really would love  a laptop, exspecially for my hubby. so he can go upstairs and work on school papers. (our room is not big enough for the computer.) i think it’s benefit us good by my hubby would hopefully be home more often, and help him focus more. so please please someone give me a laptop.

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One thought on “why i need a laptop

  1. As soon as you can definitely get another computer. We gave up sharing computers in our house long ago and it makes life so much nicer on many levels! Your desk is crowded, but at least it is tidy 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

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