Pretty Little Liars Season 1 On DVD

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Keeping secrets from your friends can be hard, specially when they are your best friends. In Pretty Little Liars, all the girls have lied so much, but just because they want to find out what happen to their friend “A”. When is it okay to lie to a friend though? I probably have lied to friends several times but only on private matters that I wanted to keep personnal. Not everything can be public. In Pretty Little Liars the only lie I think would be okay is…….
Emily being a lesbian, I mean telling that kind of secret could have bullying consequences or even the departures of friends.

Pre-order your copy of the Pretty Little Liars Season One on DVD here today: !

Disclosure: “I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote Pretty Little Liars: The Complete First Season on DVD.”

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One thought on “Pretty Little Liars Season 1 On DVD

  1. I dont know if I have ever lied to a true friend- a casual friend maybe, but not a best friend about anything.
    Looks like an OK movie for tweens though- good review!

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