Pretty Little Liars Relationships

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Pretty Little Liars is hot and coming back for the Summer season.  The Liars are so close to finding out the truth of what happened, and I am so engrossed in the show, I can’t wait to find out what happens.

The best relationships of the show would have to be Aria and her teacher Ezra. Their relationship is solid and they haill suspect he is, ve true feelings for each other. What makes it so interesting though is the fact that it’s a Teacher student relationship, and how hard they have it to keep it a secret. Her parents are even friends with Ezra and have set him up on dates with other girls, so keeping that relationship has been a lot of drama and work.

Another interesting relationship is Spencer and Toby, he is the brother of Jenna. Jenna is a trouble maker who the Liars believe knows or had something to do with A’s disappearance. Toby was once himself a suspect and at times the liars still believe he did. Spencer and him have been getting very close and according to sneak peaks will turn into love.


Pre-order your copy of the Pretty Little Liars Season One on DVD here today: !

Disclosure: “I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote Pretty Little Liars: The Complete First Season on DVD.”

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