Car Safety Tips For On the Road

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Summer is almost here and that means that tons of families will be hitting the road, going on vacation whether its family or the beach. The most important thing about going on a vacation is safety, specially when it comes driving since that is the most dangerous way to travel.

1.If you have small kids, please make sure they are in a car seat or booster seat. New recommendations are that if a child id under 4’9″ they need to be in a booster seat.  Personally I think that is a little overboard since I am only 5’1″, I was 4’9″ when I was 17.  I will follow the rules of course. I can’t tell you how many times I see children even little babies in their parents arms while driving. It’s so dangerous.

2. Always pack water- It gets really hot everywhere, and even if you have your AC blasting, you can still get dehydrated. Pack plenty of water for everyone.

3. Don’t talk, text or use the internet while driving- I love Social media as much as anyone else, but posting something on facebook or twitter can wait until people get out of the car. Seriously I can’t stand you and your making the road dangerous.  Please don’t use your cell phones in any way while driving.

4. Make sure your car is in good condition-If your going a long way be sure to get a oil change, If you have a chip in your windshield get it fixed. A chip could turn into a crack at any time, often when you are least expecting it. Windshield repair is often a safe and economical alternative to a full windshield replacement.

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5.  Don’t bump your bass- I understand its the new thing to have your radio blaring or bumping your bass, but I have seen countless times someone who has a radio to loud getting in teh way of a Firetruck or Ambulance. Please If you want to listen to your radio feel free, but your neighbors don’t need to hear it.

6. Have kids, bring activities- I am a mother of three, and I know first hand that if kids are fighting or screaming, its a big distraction if you are behind the wheel. Bring coloring books or toys to keep your kids occupied and your eyes on the road.

7. Rest- there is no deadline for vacation, if you are tired of driving take a break. There are so many accidents a year from people falling asleep behind the wheel. Take a break it pays off.

8. Watch your speed- I have done it before, but here in NY it is crazy. Speeding can be dangerous, so don’t do it.

9. pack food- you never know when your going to get lost or stranded (specially in winter), so have food on hand, even just little snacks

10. Weather- if you encounter hail or strong rain and don’t feel comfortable driving in it, then don’t. you getting to your destination is what is important. If you can’t see then thats a sign to wait it out.

Please be safe during road trips this summer and always prepare. There will be a lot of people on the road and keeping your family safe is always #1

Disclosure:“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Safelite blogging program, for a gift card worth $30. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”


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