Work Interfering With Personal Life #WB

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In Season 6 of the Closer, Brenda deals with balance of her personal life and work, So it made me think about my struggles and how I balance.

As a mother of three all under the age of 7, being married, and working from home, I often lose my focus between work and personal time. It can be very hard at times since my husband is a grad student and I am working from the computer constantly to find that family time. It’s usually when hubby has time, I don’t or vice versa. It can be very frustrating, but we have all dedicated 1 day a week to spend with each other as a family. Since I am a work at home mom and the kids are out for summer, I am reorganizing my schedule to add in fun activities, reading and learning this summer.

Being married though, as Brenda is to Fritz You always have to make sure to make time for your spouse.


Pre-order your copy of The Closer: The Complete Sixth Season on DVD here today: !

“I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote The Closer Sixth Season on DVD.”

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One thought on “Work Interfering With Personal Life #WB

  1. It gets a tad easier once the kids are older- well, until they are teens anyway 🙂
    Thats the toughest thing, to find time to spend together- and I like this show!

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