4 thoughts on “Monday Mingle June 27, 2011

  1. Awww… she can’t go on the rides because of height restrictions? The merry-go-round???? I’ve seen people holding INFANTS on the horses on the carousels. They must be strict there.

    Cotton candy for the win! Yes, food there are way overpriced.

    hehe My kids run around like crazy at the grocery store. And yes, we wind up buying way more than we need too. It’s the price you pay to keep your sanity, I figure.

  2. 3’9″ can’t ride? 🙁 No merry go round ? Thats bad! 6 is plenty old! ha! Look at her smile- and yep cotton candy is my fav too!

  3. That is crazy about the rides. I wouldn’t go either. Crowds are terrible. We don’t have that around us because it is sort of country 🙂 Cotton Candy – YUM! We split one among our girls because of the cost 🙂 LOL at the grocery store. Have a great week!

  4. How sweet that you had your daughter mingle with you. She did a great job, I see a future blogger.
    I can’t imagine a fair in Long Island, it must be crazy. I love cotton candy, too. I just saw a show on how it is made, it’s amazing.
    I used to give in to my kids, too at the store, it’s just easier sometimes. =)
    Have a good week.

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