America’s favorite Cereal Giveaway Closed

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We love Honey Nut Cheerios, it’s the one flavor of Cheerios that tastes good and is great for you.  For making it America’s #1 cereal, Honey Nut Cheerios is doing “Billion O Giveaway” providing free samples and coupons to fans. Just go sign up here, while supplies last.

I received a Breakfast prize pack featuring a box of Honey Nut Cheerios, 2 cereal bowls, a T-shirt and a bee headband. The creal is very delicious and of course very heart healthy.  The bowls are small, but are good for smaller portions.   The Bee headband was a lot of fun for my kids as they pretended to fly around as bees all day.

I have a Honey Nut Cheerios prize pack to giveaway to one lucky reader

1 winner will receive everything pictured above.

To enter: Tell me your favorite Cheerios cereal?

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Disclosure: No formal compensation was received for this post. The prize pack, information and giveaway were provided by General Mills through My Blog Spark.



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