What Hurricane Irene was like

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I survived my first Hurricane! Yes I was crazy enough to stand out in the middle and do a video. It was crazy ant first but seemed to die down, then pick back up. We were without power for 36 hours and without cable/internet/phone for almost 80 hours. Cleanup has been a challenge there are a lot of uprooted or split trees. I made several videos but most of them were after the Hurricane.

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2 thoughts on “What Hurricane Irene was like

  1. We dont get hurricanes, although we get tornadoes- and flooding – cleanup I think is worse from flooding than anything else. Glad your power is back on!

  2. Wow you are a brave soul. I’ve never been in a Hurricane (I live in Michigan) and couldn’t imagine what that was like. So glad you and your family are ok. What an experience.

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