My Dream Vacation

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In season 4 of gossip girl Serena and Blair take a trip to Paris, where they experience food, culture, fashion and romance. Yes even being swept away by a prince.

If I could have my dream vacation it would be…….

Taking a trip to Scotland, it’s my heiritage and such a beautiful place. Just like Serena and Blair, I would enjoy the fashion, culture, and so much more. I would love to see the Masonary hall of fame, where I have a lot of family inducted, as well as Lake lochness.  Fashion I would love to find a Cunningham kilt.  as far as meeting a prince, my prince in Scotland has already been taken, so Blair is the lucky one.


“Too busy for a summer vacation? Join Serena and Blair in Paris with Season 4 of Gossip Girl Here

“I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote Gossip Girl Season Four on DVD.”

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