New School Year=Hectic For Mom

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Its a new school year, and this year I have two in school not 1. My schedule has changed very much and not for the better. Alex is enrolled in half day kindergarten, a new thing they just started this year. So I am waiting outside for a bus 3 times a day, plus having a 3 year old at home with me.

I have had a ton of opportunities knocking at my door, events at least 2 a week, and I say no to most of them. I would love to advance in this blogging career, but Family is my main priority, until I make  a decent amount of money to put my kids in day care.

Sorry Just had to vent a little bit, I am support to meet with big computer and tech companies this week, and have a great pop next, week but they are no goes.


I don’t know how some people do it, it’s crazy being gone at events all the time. I have come to the realization that I do love blogging and everything about it, but I am not in this “Career” to meet celebrities, or become famous.

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One thought on “New School Year=Hectic For Mom

  1. To be perfectly honest, I dont see how they do it either- and I am neither a blogger, or a full time Mom anymore.

    I see alot of the gals taking off here and there, and know they have young children but can be gone for a week to someplace. The blogs cant be making that much can they? I mean airfare, hotels, food, etc?

    I have a small cat rescue, and I mean it isn’t children but it is a daily obligation and no way could I take off.

    You’re right- your family does come first- and thats why I have followed you so long. You make it clear what your priorities are, and I like that- alot.

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