McDonalds Coupon GiveawayClosed

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McDonalds Logo

I went a event a few weeks ago, 77 Kids Style School event and received some coupons in my gift bag. Well we don’t really eat at McDonalds, maybe 1 every 4 months. So I am giving the coupons away.

The card features 3 coupons, all valid in the US

  • Free Fruit & Maple Oatmeal
  • Free Premium Chicken sandwich
  • Free small real fruit smoothie
The coupons expire December 31, 2011
To enter to win: Tell me your favorite McDonalds sandwich?
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Giveaway ends 10/27
Disclosure: No formal compensation was received for this post. Coupons were provided, but I am giving them away myself.


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238 thoughts on “McDonalds Coupon GiveawayClosed

  1. My favorite all time sandwich at McD’s is the McRib – OK it is messy but it only appears a couple times a year 🙂

  2. Pingback: McDonalds Coupon September 2011 | Fast Food Coupons and Deals
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