BridesMaids on DVD Party

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Bridesmaids Movie | Official Site for the The Bridesmaids Film Blu-Ray
Thirty-something Annie (Kristen Wiig) has hit a rough patch but finds her life turned completely upside down when she takes on the Maid of Honor role in her best friend Lillian’s (Maya Rudolph) wedding. In way over her head but determined to succeed, Annie leads a hilarious hodgepodge of bridesmaids (Rose Byrne, Melissa McCarthy, Wendi McLendon-Covey and Ellie Kemper) on a wild ride down the road to the big event.
my Party did not turn out the way it was suppost to with Just a few people showing up and the kids getting up interrupting the movie constantly.
According to my guests it was roll on the floor hilarious.It’s a funny chick flick, but it’s stupid funny.
To me the movie was kind of long, and a to more graphic than I thought it was going to be. I mean the movie starts out with a couple having crazy sex.  It actually makes me kind of glad I did not have an official wedding.  The movie ended on a happy note, and kind of tearful. I will say that this is not a movie to watch on a quest stomach and definitely not a movie to watch on a date.
Drink of the night for me at least:
Coke with just a pinch of jack!
Disclosure: I received a gift card and dvd for my review. All opinions are my own.
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