LIfe’s Insure Your Love Picture Mosiac

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I am a stay at home mom, and I have always been worried about what would happen to my kids and I if something ever happened to my husband. So we have looked into life insurance, just in case.

The Insure Your Love Picture Mosaic by Life is designed to recognize and celebrate those who have made the responsible decision to protect their loved ones by owning life insurance, while also introducing them to a larger community of others who have made the same choice. People are encouraged to upload up to 20 photos of their loved ones, whose financial future has been safeguarded by their decision to purchase life insurance.

Add a picture and help out a great cause. Just upload a photo to Insure Your Love Facebook Page, and $1 will be donated to Life Lessons scholarship program.

This is a serious matter to think about in your life, and I am seriously considering it. My reason for wanting Life Insurance is….

My babies!

Disclosure:  I received a gift card as part of a promotional program with the LIFE Foundation and MomSelect

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