Butterball Turkey Tips and Free Coupon GiveawayClosed

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Now that Halloween is over, the next holiday to think about is Thanksgiving. The first thing I think of is food, and of course Turkey.

check out the Butterball website for great tips and recipes. They have perfect portions and thawing guide to help you chose what pound turkey to buy, how long to thaw it, and how long to cook your turkey.

We cooked last year on our own for the first time, and though I set the Turkey out a day and a half before hand it still was not thawed. I tried water everything. So the best tip I can give is to prepare and set out the turkey well in advance or to buy fresh.

Frozen Turkey

Visit www.Butterball.com for great recipes and tips, what i love is they also have tips for getting your kids involved in Thanksgiving day cooking.

  • Be prepared-let them know what you will be cooking and how they can help. Mix up the routine a little for their enjoyment.
  • help them feel like a cooking whiz-let them feel the part with a cooking apron and hat, plus let them have their own plastic measuring spoons and utensils.
  • safety first- remind them that the stove and knifes are adult jobs and they shouldn’t lick spoons, and always wash your hands.
  • assign the right tasks-assign tasks that are age appropriate and they can handle.
  • have a blast-cooking can be a great way to bond with your child so relax and have fun.
If you have trouble at all on Thanksgiving, you can call the Butterball Turkey Talk Line 1800-Butterball (1800-288-8372).
Now to the Best part:
Butterball has given me 2 extra coupons to giveaway to  lucky US reader:

Disclosure: No compensation was received, a coupon was provided for me as well as for giveaways.

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14 thoughts on “Butterball Turkey Tips and Free Coupon GiveawayClosed

  1. I have a family of 10 so we will be cooking for all plus 20 other family members with all of us involved. Fun Fun Fun. Everyone is already excited;)

  2. Since our parents died in 2005. It’s tradition to come to my house for the holidays. (only one with children) So yes I will be cooking!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. I will be cooking a smaller Thanksgiving at home and also going to my mother-in-laws, thanks for the chance!

  4. I’m going to my mom’s and my MIL, so I don’t have to cook a thing!

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

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