Vote For Your Favorite Flavor of Extra Dessert Delights

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As a blogger I am always loud and make sure my opinion is heard, online, and in my community. If there is a debate or vote I am there to support what I like and believe in.  My next big decision is picking my favorite gum!

Extra Desserts delights, is holding vote to find their next favorite flavor. My favorite has always been Strawberry Shortcake, but now the new flavors to choose from are…

Banana’s Foster

Root Beer Float

Lemon Squares

I am not sure who I will vote for, I am leaning towards Lemon Squares. Sounds the best for gum!  If you would like to vote and I encourage you too, get your voice heard. You can vote on their Facebook page or on your mobile phone here.

Voting ends on November 16, 2011 so hurry.

Disclosure:  I was entered for a chance to win an Extra Dessert Delights gum prize package in exchange for this post.  No monetary exchange took place.


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