Christmas Doesn’t look good

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I’ve been so excited about Christmas this year, I just love being able to spend the day as a family. Lately though Christmas has been looking more and more like a blur.

My kids have been misbehaving more now than they ever have, it’s getting really ridiculous. I threaten to take away presents and toys etc. nothing works.  Saying Santa is watching you does not work, because my kids don’t believe in Santa. Yes, they are only 4,5, and 6 but I wanted to be honest with them, and tell them.

So here we are 10 days to Christmas and I have nothing wrapped, no stocking stuffer and spoiled misbehaving kids.  I have no idea what exactly i am going to be doing for Christmas, but I am sure I will definitely be cutting down their presents.

How could they do anything wrong right?


Putting review items away after reviews and shopping on Black Friday, I have wound up with 25 items each for all 3 of my kids. It’s crazy that I have accumulated that much stuff and I don’t know how. Most of the items I have put away for Christmas are clothes and books, kids love toys but we just have too much.

Ahhh, I am starting to hate the holiday season, it’s getting way to crazy.

Disclosure: No compensation was received for tho post.

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4 thoughts on “Christmas Doesn’t look good

  1. You know you can’t ignore bad behavior, but what you could try is taking the whole Christmas part out of any consequences. (threats about taking away presents) It isn’t working-especially if you have already put gifts under the tree. If you haven’t put gifts under, perhaps just cut down (25 each is alot even if they are small gifts) and just leave the ones like clothes that they would outgrow if they werent used.Use the others for upcoming events like Birthdays or ‘just because gifts’ if they act good.

    Just carry on with Christmas like usual- yeah it is tough to give gifts when someone is being a booger, but it might be the whole Christmas thing is making them antsy. If they don’t believe in Santa bringing them gifts and they know it is you… they have to know their behavior is going to affect the amount of presents.

    Just concentrate on the end result- those smiles. (even if you have to grit your teeth now!)

  2. Thanks for your advice. It always helps.
    We don’t put any presents under the tree until christmas eve, the kids would never leave them alone if we did.

  3. I have followed you long enough to know they are mischievous little rascals with the faces of angels. 🙂 I imagine half of the presents would be opened by now!

    They are likely just antsy.. there is quite a ways to go before Christmas. I am hoping they will calm down for you!

  4. Hi! Boy do I remember those days when my boys started acting worse on the days leading up to Christmas! They are older now and most of the excitement of the gifting part of the holiday has worn off for them, so I don’t have to deal with that anymore. Just remember, just as you are probably feeling overwhelmed with all the things you have going on during the holidays…they are getting that too. Everyone around them is talking about it, including all the kids they know, its on the tv nonstop, etc. So feeling overwhelemed with it all they are acting out. My boys did the same thing at those ages.

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