Love and Relationships From One Tree Hill Season 8

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There have been so many relationships come and go on One Tree Hill, it is really crazy.

In episode 15 called Valentines Day is over,  sex games and secrets all come into play as the couples of OTH celebrate Valentine’s Day. Brooke and Julian spend their VDay together, while Clay and Quinn enjoy a romantic dinner.

My favorite couple has always been Nathan and Haley, and of course Nathan went all out for his wife with the Valentine’s day surprises. even after a little argument. They have been such solid couple though, that everyone expected that. The very very best part would have to be Julian and Brooke talking about their future. Yeah they did most of the episode doing role play games, trying to keep it hot I guess. After a season of whirlwind romance and the wedding of her dreams. Julian talks to Brooke about adopting a child. It’s something she has wanted for so long, and definitely was the most sweetest part of the episode.

“In Tree Hill, NC, there is never a dull moment. Hope, heartbreak and a hurricane – all in one season! One Tree Hill’s Season 8 is packed with drama and ready for pre-order!

You can catch One Tree Hill Season 8 on Ultra Violet.

I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote One Tree Hill Season Eight on DVD.


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