national geographic oppertunity

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Have you ever wanted to go on assignment with National Geographic? The 2009 National Geographic Kids Hands-On Explorer Challenge is giving 15 kids and two teachers the chance to join an expedition to Peru.

National Geographic Kids magazine has teamed up with PromPeru and the marketers of PURELL to search for America’s next generation of explorers and the teachers who inspire them. Fifteen young explorers and two teachers will be selected as members of the 2009 National Geographic Kids Hands-On Explorer Challenge Expedition Team and will win the field trip of a lifetime — a 12-day expedition to Peru with National Geographic and local experts as their guides. Highlights include exploring the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu, voted one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, and visiting Tambopata Reserve deep in the Peruvian rain forest, where team members will have the opportunity to help in a research laboratory. All winners will also receive a digital camera courtesy of Nikon.

 National Geographic Kids magazine is sponsoring its fourth annual “Hands-On Explorer Challenge,” in which 15 kids ages 9-14 and two teachers will win an 12-day expedition to Peru, courtesy of PromPeru.
* All winners to receive a digital camera courtesy of Nikon.
* Marketers of PURELL Brand Instant Hand Sanitizer to donate $1 for every entry to Safe Kids Worldwide, up to $10,000.
* To enter, kids must write an original essay of no more than 300 words describing how they “actively explore their world” and the most interesting things they have encountered. They must also illustrate the essay with a photo they’ve taken. Subjects might include something found in a backyard, park, zoo, pond, or on a vacation with family. Each winner will bring a parent or guardian on the expedition. Contest is open to U.S. residents only.
* For the teacher competition, educators are asked to conduct a hands-on activity related to Peru with their students, and write an essay about it of no more than 500 words. Detailed instructions for carrying out the activity, a photograph of students engaged in the activity and a letter of support from the principal or a supervisor also are required.
* The contest is open only to full-time teachers in grades 3-8 on any subject matter during the 2007-08 school year and who plan to teach during the 2008-09 school year.
* The Peru expedition is scheduled for May 23-June 3, 2009. Entries must be postmarked by Feb. 5, and received no later than Feb. 12, 2009. Complete rules and details can be found online at

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