Purex Triple Action Review

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Purex is rolling out a new Triple Action formula across the entire liquid detergent line. This new formula promises to leave your clothes bright, white, and clean.

**** I always love Purex they offer the Free and Clear on all there different detergents. I always close free and clear because my family has sensitive skin and it always works. With the new Triple Action, I’ve noticed my clothes becoming cleaner than before. That can be really tough too, since i have 3 little ones who get stains on their clothes all the time. I do pretreat ahead of time though, with a little of the Purex detergent. One thing I really love about Purex is it is a great detergent to use, without having to spend $10 or more dollars.

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, a product was provided for my review as a Purex Insider. All opinions are my own.

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2 thoughts on “Purex Triple Action Review

  1. I haven’t tried this product yet, but I’ve used the Purex 3-in-1 sheets & love them. I like the fact that this comes in the free & clear choice and can’t wait to give this one a try.

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