alexandras birthday

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my daughter celebrated har second birthday on the 31 of May. We had a blast, went to the mall and got some gifts. The Disney store is closing at the greensboro mall. It’s sad, so everything was on sale. Anyways, we went to Chuck-E-Cheese after that, had a lot of fun, played games ate pizza. I griped a lot though i’ll admit, my husband got upset about that. I forgot my camera, and they have a little photo booth there. So i wanted to get her pic taken in there but there were two couples like around middle twenty, they would not get out of the photo booth. They took like 30 pictures. So i was getting pissed off. They finally decided to get out when we were walking out the door. The whole time to they were laughing and whispering like they knew what they were doing to piss me off on purpose. We came home and had a dora cake,  so it was a fun day except that one problem!

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