Purex Triple Action Detergent and Ultrapacks GiveawayClosed

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I was able to try out two new Purex detergents a few months ago, you can read all about the Triple Action Detergent here. You can also read about the Triple Action Ultrapacks here.

Now I have been given the opportunity to giveaway some coupons for these great Purex products.

I have 2 coupons of the Triple Action Detergent and 2 coupons for the Triple Action Ultrapacks to giveaway to a US reader.

To enter: Tell me which you would like to try the Triple Action bottle or the Ultrapacks?

Extra entries:

Subscribe to my feed-8 entries
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Grab my button-6 entries
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Leave a comment on any non-giveaway post-4 entries
Like Purex On Facebook-4 entries

Comment on my review-3 points each (links can be found in post)

Tweet this giveaway-2 entries (can be done daily)
post this giveaway on Facebook-1 entry (can be done daily)

contest ends 3/10/12

Disclosure: No compenssation was received for this post. Review copies were sent at a earlier time. Giveaway is being provided by Purex. I am a Purex Insider and all opinions are my own.

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412 thoughts on “Purex Triple Action Detergent and Ultrapacks GiveawayClosed

  1. I’d love to win either one since I love the Purex brand! But I definitely want to the try the Ultra Packs since they look soooo convenient!

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