Disclosure: A gift card was provided for sharing this post. Al opinions are my own.

Stop and Shop A+ School Rewards Program is kicking off 2015 with the Fighting Hunger Challenge. Stop and Shop is looking to get school involved in the Fighting Hunger Challenge by hosting food drives giving them a chance to earn money for their school.
The food drives will benefit local food banks, pantries and soup kitchens. Stop and Shop will be holding a contest with all the participating schools, and winners will be chosen from the schools that make the best displays using the donated goods.
The challenge runs from January 1, 2015 to February 13, 2015 and is open to all public and private schools in NJ, NY and CT. You must be registered for the Stop and Shop A+ School Rewards Program.
Information on Entering:
To participate in the Challenge, each school registered in the A+ School Rewards Program is asked to choose a local not-for-profit food bank, pantry or soup kitchen, conduct a food drive at their school and collect non-perishable goods. Each participating school builds a unique and creative Fighting Hunger Display using donated products and placed in a prominent area of the school. The food items will be donated to the designated food bank, pantry or soup kitchen at the conclusion of the Challenge.
Coordinators and/or Principals must submit a photograph of their Fighting Hunger Display, indicating the name of their designated recipient. Schools are divided into three brackets based on enrollment size, with the top two schools in each bracket winning $1,000 each. The winning Fighting Hunger Display photos will be placed on the Stop & Shop social media pages.
For full information visit here.
I am giving away a $25 Stop and Shop gift card to help you earn A+ Rewards for your school.
To enter: Tell me if your are signed up. Earning your school reward points whenever you shop?
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Contest closes 2/15/15