Pictures From Long Island Blizzard #Blizzard2015

The big blizzard “Juno” everyone was worried about, was not actually that bad. Although Long Island got it worse than NYC, most of the news focus was on NYC.

We are still buried in 20 inches of snow here and it doesn’t look like it will be melting any time soon. Stores are completely out of salt and melt. Plus we have another storm coming Friday and Monday bringing snow.

Here are some pics from the Long Island Blizzard of 2015.





I am still a AZ girl at heart and can’t stand when we get this much snow.

Best Of Me On Blu-ray Giveaway Closed

Disclosure: No formal compensation was received, a copy was provided by the Fox Home Ent. Insiders program. All opinions are 100% my own.


Based on the #1 New York Times Best Seller from celebrated author Nicholas Sparks comes this tender, romantic drama about the timeless power of love. When former high school sweethearts Dawson and Amanda (James Marsden and Michelle Monaghan) meet at a loved one’s funeral 20 years after tragedy separated them, their love is reignited. As they recall and relive the past, they come to a deeper understanding about the choices they’ve made. Also starring Luke Bracey and Liana Liberato, and featuring beautiful scenery along with music by Lady Antebellum, The Best of Me is a powerfully romantic story of love, hope and second chances.

This movie is a must see chick flick.
The Best Of Me on Blu-ray and dvd on February 3, 2015. I am giving away a blu-ray copy to one lucky reader.

To enter: Tell me your favorite Nicholas Sparks movie/book?

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Contest ends 2/24/15

Finally A Bed He Likes

I have been struggling to get my 7 year old to sleep in his own bed all night. He ha our own bed, a queen size bed all to himself.

He will get scared in the middle of the night and sneak into my room or his sisters room to sleep. I have tried different things to get him to sleep in his own room to no avail.

Finally we agreed on if I bought him bed sheets that he liked, he would start sleeping in his own bed. So I agreed. I never thought of it because we had so many bed sets already.

But he finally has his own set up. Finally a bed he likes.



Lets hope it works in the long run.

We found these complete bed set at Kmart for $35.99, and decided on it because it was mostly red and black. The colors of Lightning McQueen.

No compensation was received for this post.

Gearing Up For The Playoffs #HormelFamily #Playoffs

Disclosure: I’ve partnered with Hormel Foods as part of the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger Program. Throughout the year I’ll be receiving product, coupons, giveaways and promotions. However, no payment was given or expected for posting about the program, and as always, all opinions given here are fully my own.

The playoffs are this weekend and we will be watching as a family. We aren’t rooting for any particular team, but it’s quality time together and something we all enjoy.

When the playoffs are on, we always get lots of snacks and food for the 6 hour playoffs. There is 2 games so plenty of food.

Our favorites to have on hand are of course Chi Chi’s chips and salsa, that is usually the first app that gets eaten. ChiChi’s Tortilla Rounds are perfect corn crisp chips, we paired it with mild thick and chunky salsa, and also salsa con queso.


My kids love cheese and crackers, so I always make sure to have those on our family nights. I love Hormel party trays, because it’s no mess and easy to prepare. I picked up a new tray to try which consists of Crackers cheese and Turkey. I have always loved Turkey more than any other lunch meat. So this was one of my favorite snacks and a little healthier too.


So who is gearing up for the playoffs with all their favorite foods.

Stop and Shop A+ School Rewards Program GIveaway Closed

Disclosure: A gift card was provided for sharing this post. Al opinions are my own.


Stop and Shop A+ School Rewards Program is kicking off 2015 with the Fighting Hunger Challenge. Stop and Shop is looking to get school involved in the Fighting Hunger Challenge by hosting food drives giving them a chance to earn money for their school.

The food drives will benefit local food banks, pantries and soup kitchens. Stop and Shop will be holding a contest with all the participating schools, and winners will be chosen from the schools that make the best displays using the donated goods.

The challenge runs from January 1, 2015 to February 13, 2015 and is open to all public and private schools in NJ, NY and CT. You must be registered for the Stop and Shop A+ School Rewards Program.

Information on Entering:
To participate in the Challenge, each school registered in the A+ School Rewards Program is asked to choose a local not-for-profit food bank, pantry or soup kitchen, conduct a food drive at their school and collect non-perishable goods. Each participating school builds a unique and creative Fighting Hunger Display using donated products and placed in a prominent area of the school. The food items will be donated to the designated food bank, pantry or soup kitchen at the conclusion of the Challenge.

Coordinators and/or Principals must submit a photograph of their Fighting Hunger Display, indicating the name of their designated recipient. Schools are divided into three brackets based on enrollment size, with the top two schools in each bracket winning $1,000 each. The winning Fighting Hunger Display photos will be placed on the Stop & Shop social media pages.

For full information visit here.

I am giving away a $25 Stop and Shop gift card to help you earn A+ Rewards for your school.

To enter: Tell me if your are signed up. Earning your school reward points whenever you shop?

Extra entries:

Put No Time Mommy button on your site-13 entries
Subscribe to my feed- 12 entries
Blog about this giveaway-9 entries
Leave a comment on any non-giveaway post-7 entries unlimited
Follow me on Bloglovin- 6 entries
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Enter any of my other giveaways-3 entries
post this giveaway on Facebook-2 entries (can be done daily)

Contest closes 2/15/15

My Kids Don’t Believe In Mythical Creatures

When my kids were young it was fun for them to see Santa Clause and the Easter bunny and know that those characters brought them gifts. Usually most parents will go along with it until their children ask them if they are real.

We chose to tell our kids at a very young age the truth and that if they wanted to play the game then it was fine, but they needed to know the truth. They were five, six and seven when we told them, so now my kids don’t believe and we are fine with that.

There are multiple reasons we made this decision. First we didn’t want to lie, we want our children to know that honesty is the best policy. Telling the truth is always the right thing. We also felt that we were in way brainwashing our children into believing things that are mythical. If you believe in Santa why not believe in Fairies, genies and the Loch Ness Monster. As my kids got older they started to ask for things we couldn’t afford and I hate to see them disappointed on Christmas or Easter.

After the truth came out, my kids were fine no upsets. They still go get their picture taken with santa and the Easter Bunny just for fun. They play along with their friends at school to not spoil it for them.

The downside to them knowing would be that I am a softee and the know if they are not good, they will still get presents. They are still to young to anything that bad tough, so we will see. But I mean come on has anyone ever really given their kids coal.

At what age did you tell your kids?

Taco Tuesday With Wholly Guacamole #HormelFamily

Disclosure: I’ve partnered with Hormel Foods as part of the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger Program. Throughout the year I’ll be receiving product, coupons, giveaways and promotions. However, no payment was given or expected for posting about the program, and as always, all opinions given here are fully my own.

My kids love to do a taco night and we go all out with Tacos, burritos, fully loaded nachos, salsa and more. It’s one of our guilty pleasure nights. I have never been big on guacamole, but my kids and husband love it. The problem is that they really don’t eat that much of it and a lot goes to waste when I make it myself or buy a tub of it.


Hormel sent me the Wholly Guacamole minis and they worked out perfectly. Didn’t have to worry about food getting wasted and most importantly there was no fighting between my 3 kids over who got the bowl.

classic guacamole in fun, 100 calorie, portable cups. Peel the lid back a little for an easy squeeze or peel the lid back all the way for delicious dipping. This is an easy guacamole to love. It’s simple
guacamole goodness in the convenience of a travel cup. Stays
good in your freezer for up to 3 months.



Learn more about the product and where you can find it here.

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