Biz Is Helping Me Fight Everyday Stains.

I have been using Biz Stainfighter for over a year now, and it is my go to product for all stains. From clothes, carpets. furniture. I use it on everything. And it works to different lengths on everyday stains.

I put on cup of Biz Stainfighter in each wash, to help keep our clothes clean. If there is a tough stain I let it soak overnight in Biz just to get that tough stain out.  My kids stain so much everyday and they can be the hardest stains to get out but pre-treating and washing, does the job.

Lately the newest trend has been slime in my house, The kids love to make it. It;s the biggest everyday stainsBiz Stain Fighter maker in my house.  Unfortunately it’s very sticky and gets everywhere. my carpet becomes a mess between the slime and the food dye they use to color it. Biz has helped keep the stains to a minimum and get the sticky slime up out of the carpet.



I was skeptical at first that it would work but it has been amazing at fighting any kind of stain. It really gets the job done.

To see where you can find Biz Stainfighter products please go here.

Disclosure: This is a compensated post on behalf of Biz. All opinions are 100% my own.

Biz Stain Fighter Helps Fight the toughest

I have been chosen to be a Biz Stain Fighter ambassador again for the 2017 year. I am excited to tell u all about their products and what they have to offer.

Biz was the first enzyme based pre-soak and color-safe bleach that Moms have trusted to remove stains from the family’s laundry, for more than 40 years. Different types of stains need different ingredients to clean them. Science shows that there is no one single ingredient that cleans everything well. So why doesn’t every brand put all of these ingredients in? Probably because it costs more to do that. But BIZ didn’t cut corners here… BIZ has more stainfighters than other brands. That’s why it works better.

As a mom of three I am doing laundry daily not to mention soaking and treating daily stains my kids come home with. It’s a constant daily struggle with stains in my house, so I use Biz Stain Fighter with every wash.

Biz Stain Fighter

The toughest stain in my house right now is pasta sauces.My kids love pasta and always seem to be wearing light colored clothing when they eat it. Making a big mess and staining their clothes. Usually I will have to put some biz with hot water in a bowl and let it sit over night then wash with more biz but gets the job done.

Biz is great for other uses to like it will treat stains set into your carpet or upholstery. So its great to have on hand for any occasion.

Have you used Biz Stain fighter?

You can find Biz products at these locations.

Disclosure: I am a 2017 Biz Ambassador, and will be receiving compensation as well as products for my contribution. All Opinions are 100% my own.

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