Advanced Biobanking Is The Newest Way To Bank Cord Blood

Disclosure: This is a compensated post. All opinions are 100% my own.

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I have shared several times how important Cord Blood banking is to me, and how life saving it can be. I have always been a advocate for donating to cord blood bank, but now there is a more advanced way of doing it.

I didn’t know much about Cord Banking when I was pregnant, but after getting the devastating news my daughter might have Spina Bifida I looked into it immediately. Medical research shows that the stem cells in cord blood have transformative potential and are used to treat more than 80 different diseases and are being studied for the treatment of dozens more.1 But cord blood is only the beginning.

Thankfully I didn’t have to use it for my child but we still decided to cord blood bank, for the sake of our family and more.

I love seeing people Cord Blood Banking and LifeBankUSA has taken their experience and leadership in stem cell research and development to deliver a new generation of advanced, first-in-class biobanking services.

Baby sleeping on pregnant woman's stomach
Baby sleeping on pregnant woman’s stomach

Don’t know much about it?
The placenta is an immune privileged organ with unique regenerative properties that offers opportunities for the treatment of immune disorders and self-repair strategies.
The placental blood contains various types of progenitor stem cells that play a role in stimulating the body’s own repair mechanisms to heal previously damaged tissues or organs.
Scientists are exploring the use of progenitor stem cells in a wide range of diseases including cerebal palsy, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and spinal cord injury.

Placental Blood also contains Stem Cells, which is offering breakthroughs in medical conditions through Science.
My husband talks very highly of preserving Stem cells, as a scientist they do help and are being studied through various research.

You have 3 options when choosing LifeBankUSA you can….
just bank your cord blood only, guaranteeing the purest stem cells.
Bank cord blood as well as tissue. Tissue is also a great research tool in medicine.
Bank your cord blood, tissue, as well placenta blood, this will guarantee the most treatment options for your family.

LifeBankUSA also offers affordable payment plans and is the only company that is backed by the innovation and strength of Celgene, a leading global biopharmaceutical company.

Follow LifebankUSA and find out more:

Have you thought about Cord Blood Banking? Ever tried it? What are your thoughts on it.

Win a Graco 4ever 4-1 Car Seat From LifebankUSA

Disclosure: A gift card will be provided for promoting this contest.

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LifebankUSA is the only cord blood bank processing material for FDA-approved clinical trials using stem cells from placental tissue. These stem cells are being used to treat patients with serious conditions, including diabetic foot ulcers. LifebankUSA preserves your baby’s placental tissue using the same steps taken for processing stem cells for our FDA-approved clinical trials. No other cord blood company can claim that. Tissue banking is simply one additional layer of protection and peace of mind for you and your family offered by LifebankUSA.

LifebankUSA is having a contest on their Facebook page. Enter to win 1 of 3 Graco 4ever 4-1 car seats.

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I learned all about the importance of banking cord blood when I was pregnant. all 3 of my pregnancies were hard on me, my body and the baby. At one point my doctor even said that 2 of my children would not make it or be born with birth defects, which was just crushing. I didn’t want to take any chances, so we looked into banking just in case. Luckily the doctors were wrong, but I am glad that we took the chance and banked our daughters blood.

You can enter the LifebankUSA contest here.

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