brag time

The Parent Bloggers  want me to brag about my kids today. my kids have a lot of strenghths, but on the same note they also have weeknesses. i would love to read a book called child strengths by Jennifer Fox and learn how to discover more of their strengths.  go check out her website to learn more about the book

i have three children. My son is only two months old so obviously I can’t really see much in him. he is a very healthy and happy baby though.  constantly smiling. My oldest daughter is 2 years old, she’ll be three in april.   she’s going to have success in so many things.  she loves to sing and dance. she knows her abcs and can count to 20.  she can say our last name perfectly. I can’t tell you how big of an accomplishment that is. adults can never get it right. Walleshauser! She is a scientist right now she knows all about molecules and astronomy.  she makes the family stuff to eat all the time. It’s made out of toys and crayons, but it’s the thought that counts shes on her way. one thing i’m so proud of is her ability to learn things so fast. I’m 23 and know like 5 words in spanish. My daughter watches Dora and Diego. now she runs around the house speaking Spanish.

My middle daughter is 21 months old.  She can do most of what her sister can do. her abcs, can count to 15. she is our character comedien. She goes around singing songs. Her favorites are the Wonder Pets and Elmo songs.  She can make people laugh in an instant just by making faces or putting on a show with her toys.   My kids are really young and i know that i will discover much more of their strengths over time, but I’am so proud of them for what they’ve been able to show me so far.

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