potty training madness

We are in the process of potty training both my daughters. I have a 3 year old and almost 2 yr old. I feel as if i’m failing as a parent in this area. Now my almost 2 yr old still really doesn’t understand, but my 3 year old is getting it. She did really good for a long time and then refused to even go in the bathroom. Now it’s like a game, they try and get in the toilet water, pull toilet paper off the roll etc. it’s a nightmare.           With my nieces and nephew we just put them in underwear and they learned fast.
I’d like to try that but my husband refuses, says he doesn’t want to clean up the floor every hour.   Personally I don’t care if my daughter isn’t potty trained. Every child needs time and develops different.
It’s the litte remarks I get and people bragging about how well their child is doing that makes me feel pressured. I just hope it happens soon cause the cost of pullups is killing me, not to mention diapers for my infant son.
Ack, yes I have 3 in diapers. It’s been hard and they even fight over who gets changed first, but I love them at this age.

** Update the best method that worked for us is taking your child to the bathroom with you and letting them sit on the small potty. They learn from you.

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