Our First Snowfall In Connecticut

We have only lived in Connecticut for a few months, but I am never prepared for winter. I am a West Coast girl at heart and even though I have lived on the East coast for nearly 10 years. I hate the cold and snowfall.

My kids and husband love it though. I do get out and shovel and play with the kids, but you will see my slip and fall everywhere from terror. LOL!

We finally had our first snowfall in Connecticut and it wasn’t as bad as some of the snowstorms we have had in New York, I wasn’t ready.

The kids loved it though.



They made snow angels and threw snowballs, well until one got upset about being wet. Then the fun was over.

It always seems like thats how it happens though, everyone is having a blast and then boom one is crying or fighting. Fun is over!

The sun did shine in the afternoon melting most of the snow on the street and driveways, but what is left will turn to ice tonight as temps drop again.

I heard this weekend we will get between 5-8 inches, I am hoping thats wrong but since we are so close to the water it’s probably right.

Do you like the snow? Are you prepared for winter?

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