animal atlas review

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Animal Atlas: Animal Mysteries


Come tour the world with Animal Atlas to discover how animals thrive. you’ll visit every continent and dive through the sea to meet all earth’s animals from A to Zebra. Just spin the globe!

Animal Atlas is a T.V show that is watched by more than 1.5 million viewers each week. It features                                                                                                          Kid friendly footage shot in high definition.                                                                 broadcast in HD on the HD VOOM network                                                                    broadcast in Spanish on telefutura                                                                                    It also promotes Earth conservation, which is on trend with “green” movements

i got to review Animal Atlas presents Animals and Us. we loved this movie, we love animals and make frequent trips to the zoo, so we were excited to get to see this.

Animal and Us-features three episodes.

Who needs our help?-What do cheetahs, tigers, polar bears, rhinos, sea turtles, manatees, and gorillas have in common? Wish it weren’t true! They are all in danger of becoming extinct. Learn what you can do to help save them.

Who’s at the aquarium-Grab your goggles and come for a swim!your going underwater to visit sea-turtles, dolphins, whales and tropical fish. watch out for the sharks!

Who’s at the zoo-your off to visit some zoos. you’ll waddle with Antarctic penguins, wave hello to rainforest’s monkeys, paw across the savanna with lions and giraffes and swim with the Arctic polar bears.

Some more info

this dvd hit store shelves on 4/14/09.  

70 mins. long

movie retails around $6.99 and can be found at Toys R Us, Amazon or on line at

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