Vote Plant A Seed Semifinalist

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Kellogg’s frosted flakes plant a seed program aims to renovate  fields across the us, that are broken down or no longer a safe place for kids to play.  thousands of fields have been nominated, and some have gained thousands of supporters. They have narrowed the fields down to 100 and you can go vote and help a field win.

they narrowed it down to 100 fields by looking at the fields and seeing if it was possible to fix them up, along with age, how often it’s used and more.

Kellogg's FieldGo check out and see if your field made it, or see if there is a field near you.While your there go ahead and cast your vote.  Your vote will help a child get a  new place to play that is safe and supported. who wouldn’t want that.

please help a community and go vote!

thanks to mom central for this opportunity

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