The new addition to the precious girls club(closed)

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The precious girls club has added a new book to their collection. It’s called Precious Girls Club Operation Kindness.  Katie Bennett and the Precious Girls Club want to cheer up the sad, lonely children who are sick, and have to stay in the hospital.

They want to use their special talents to put on a puppet show, but MR. Boxer”President of the hospital” is not really interested.   With a little bit of help from her guardian angel, a club member “Lidia” and some faith, she is able to pull through and give a great show.

I really love the Precious Girls club books, they have a great positive message. and my kids love to hear all about Katie’s adventures. Plus if you know me , you know I’m a precious moments fanatic!

I was also given a mini paws plush dog. it’s so cute and cuddly.

Go check out the Precious Girls website, where they have a fun virtual world for girls. It’s free!

Just for one lucky reader

I have a Precious Girls Club Prize Pack.

Precious Girls book #1 A little bit of faith

Precious Girls Book #2 Operation Kindness

and a mini plush paws dog.

To enter please visit and tell me one thing you liked.

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contest ends 7/31/09

congrats to the winner sandy(her entry was by email)

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