The Zula Patrol DVDS and giveaway

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I recently got the chance to Review two The Zula Patrol DVDS.

Animal Adventures in Space:the team explores how insects, reptiles, mammals, plants and rocks form and interact with each other.  In Larvae or Leave Me (the first episode), Skip the grasshopper can’t find his friend Wriggly the caterpillar – until he discovers, with help from The Zula Patrol, that Wriggly has transformed into a beautiful butterfly!  Four additional stories on the DVD are:  Egg Hunt, There Goes the Neighborhood, Choosing Sides and Camp Worm .  No job is too big for The Zula Patrol, as they search for stolen frog eggs, help restore life to a canyon ecosystem, solve the mystery of the missing honey, and tunnel through dirt with their worm comrades to help the trees grow – and end up thwarting a threatened “alien invasion” from another planet.

Moons  Mayhem:follows the intrepid team from Zula in six humor-filled stories that begin with a challenge, and end with a resolution, as they explore the fascinating, often volatile world of moons.  The episodes include: Moon Struck, Blue Moon, Going Through a Phase, Moons Mayhem, Three Ring Gorga and Me, Myself and Io.  It’s non-stop lunar adventure for The Zula Patrol, as they as they rescue a turbulent Venus, who is on a quest to acquire a moon of her own; discover the many moons of Jupiter during Jupiterfest; explore the composition of the surface of Earth’s moon; help save Bula from an awful Were-Mouse curse, and thwart Dark Truder’s nefarious plan to steal all the moons within the solar system.

***  My children and I really liked these DVDS. They are packed with fun and learning.  My children love learning about different planets and space.  plus both dvds have bonus features, 5 sing a long songs and an introduction to


These DVDS were available on 8/25/09 and our 70 mins. long.

retail for $12.98 you can find them here and here



i have both of these The Zula Patrol DVDS to giveaway to one lucky reader

just visit and tell me something about the site in a comment

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contest closes 9/11/09

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7 thoughts on “The Zula Patrol DVDS and giveaway

  1. Pingback: Online Movies: Adventure Movies as of August 28, 2009 | Zeet's World Of Movie's
  2. I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.


  3. My kids liked the create your own alien game and I liked that ZulaWorld is a safe, fun, on-line game site. The DVDs look like something both of kids would love.

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