Barbie and The Three Musketeers review

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Calling all barbie fans, the new barbie movie is going to be released September 15, 2009

From press release: Corinne (Barbie) is a sixteen year old girl who dreams of going to Paris to become a Musketeer, one of the protectors of  the royal family. At the palace, Corinne works under the tutelage of three beautiful maids: Viveca, Renee, and Aramina. she starts to notice strange things happening at the palace, like accidents happening and she is worried the Prince and his family may be in danger. With ninja quick reflexes, each girl shifts into a defensive pose with improvised weapons: a neckalace, fans, measuring tape, and hairpins. Together they discover that the prince’s Advisor and his personal army are plotting to get rid of the prince and the royal family. The four girls try to tell the head of the Musketeers about the evil plot, but no one believes them. Corinne and her friends are able to foil the plot of the villians and save the Prince.  The royal family is greatful and declares all four girls to be true musketeers.
Bonus features:
All for one music video
Unbelievable music video
I can be a songwriter
Behind the scenes: Barbie fashion show
Every DVD includes a Barbie Pink Ticket Party instant win game piece. You can log on to win great prizes.  You could win a trip to LA to the ultimate barbie party, shopping sprees, toys and more.   We played the sweepstakes with our game piece and won a barbie, or barbie furniture.
My thoughts: My children and I have been waiting to see this movie. We are big barbie fans, and have every movie, except Thumbelina.  It’s a great story about following your dreams, and not letting anything even gender stand in your way.   This has become my daughters new favorite behind Diamond Castle.  I absolutely loved the bloopers, it’s so funny  how they make animated characters mess up their lines.  This is a great movie and story line for any little girl.
Some more info:
Running time: 81 minutes
Retails for $19.98
release date: 9/15/09
for more info one the movie visit
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