Looney Tunes Eat right gift basket giveaway

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83671bb2a4_MediumBasketLooney Tunes Eating Right Kids Gift Basket

Warner Bros. Consumer Products and Safeway, Inc. have teamed up to create a better-for-you line of food products for children, uniting flavor and nutrition with the iconic Looney Tunes characters. The Eating Right Kids food line featuring Bugs Bunny, Marvin the Martian, Daffy Duck and others offers more than 60 items across 18 categories including breakfast foods, produce, portable meals, dairy, snacks, beverages and frozen entrees – making it easy for moms to spot healthier food and beverage items for their kids that taste great. 

Items in the basket include:
Looney Tunes Golden Collection Volume 1
Tweety T-shirt from Junk Food
Looney Tunes plush item
Looney Tunes stationary or home good
Eating Right Kids “green” shopping bag from Safeway
Eating Right Kids post card
Eating Right Kids Products (non perishable) in a branded lunch box
Canned Ravioli with Daffy or Microbowl with Tweety
Tri-color Wheat Rotini with Sylvester and Tweety
Apple juice with Taz
Chewy Bar with Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner

Please note: If an item listed in the giveaway prize is not available, it will be replaced it with a similar item of equal value.

to win please leave me a comment telling me what your doing to get your kids to eat healthy

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contest closes 9/23/09

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23 thoughts on “Looney Tunes Eat right gift basket giveaway

  1. I care for my only little grandson during the weekdays and now he has started kindergarten so I make sure when I pick him up from school that he has an afternoon snack because kids are hungry after school but you want to not spoil there dinner for a few hours later. So I make sure he has both vegtables & fresh fruit with something eles that I know mix well to let him both eat healthy & get just full enough for a hold over until dinner a few hours later. So I mix celery with peanut butter in it and raisons or baby carrots with ranch dressing and crutons or maybe apple slices with peanut butter to dip. I also like to dehydrate fruits and mix with nuts to have which is much cheaper in cost than store bought.
    [email protected]

  2. I don’t have any children yet, but since I have juvenile tastebuds, let me tell you what works for me (lol):

    1. “Hide” fruit and veggies in other dishes – try grating carrots into lasagna, making muffins filled with fruit, or otherwise “concealing” fruit & veg in something else. Did you know that you can make a chocolate cake out of zucchini? Now that’s a great way to sneak in something healthy!!
    2. Add seasonings and spices to add flavor to your meals – sometimes, all a “boring” dish needs is more flavoring.
    3. Cook at home more and eat out less – it’s easier to make a home-cooked meal that is lower in calories and still tastes just as good as takeout. Of course, the trouble is finding the time! “No Time Mom” can empathize I’m sure!

    Thanks for such a fun contest!

  3. I make sure there are always cut up fruits and veggies available front and center in our fridge so they reach for those healthy snacks.

  4. I love making shapes for the kids,all fruits and veggies can be cut up where the kids have fun . I also cut the sandwiches with a large cookie cutter and they love them.They have a surprise!They don’t even know they are eating healthy.
    [email protected]

  5. I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.



  6. I am preparing vegetables and dips in Ziploc Containers so it’s easy to grab and go!

  7. I always have containers of cut up fresh carrot,celery sticks in the fridge and a bwol of fresh apples and grapes on the counter. I have told the children they eat all of the fresh fruit and vegetables they want. I no longer buy chips and cookies.

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