Product description: If you wish with all your heart and imagine the loveliest place you’ve ever dreamt of, you’ll find yourself in a dazzling fairytale castle. Cross the drawbridge, step inside and experience Disney’s spectacular Princess adventure! Accompany Princess Aurora on her first new “Once upon a time…” since the cherished classic Sleeping Beauty. And take a magic carpet ride to Agrabah, where Jasmine and your favorite characters from the academy award-winning masterpiece Aladdin. Return for a whole new world of never before seen enchantment.
Spend some golden moments with Aurora and jasmine as each discovers what it takes to be a true princess. With magical storytelling, memorable new songs and “….favorite Disney Princesses animated in classic Disney style.” This delightful gem celebrates the power of believing in yourself. Join the Disney Princesses as they realize that when you follow your dreans, they just might come true.
This movie also features games, Aurora dress up and find Sahara. There is also a music video featuring Belle “you’ll never lose this love”
2nd disc bonus features:
Footage from Disney’s new Princess and the Frog movie
never before seen music videos with Cinderella and Mulan
***Having two Princesses of my own, this movie was very much enjoyed. From Aurora learning that you can’t always take the easy way out., and Jasmine learning royal duties can be tough. This movie is filled with so much learning and adventure. this movie has a great meaning behind it. always follow your dreams, the lesson every girl should be taught.
**The games were fun my daughters loved getting to dress up Aurora and make her look stunning. The finding Sarah game was a bit challenging, but my kids are so young. so i helped them out and it worked out great
This movie will be released on September 8, 2009
running time is 56 minutes
Reatil price $29.99