New Infant and Mom Nutrition Website

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 is an amazing way to find good nutrition information for your infant child. It shows in great visual detail how proper nutrition shapes development and how individual nutrients affect the senses, bone formation, and the immune system of infants.

Developed as a resource for Moms, the website brings together information from leading health centers and researchers across the country to explain how nutrition is crucial to infant development. How can you make sure that your newborn gets the nutrients she needs to ensure healthy growth through her first birthday? How do you keep her stomach from getting upset? What should you, as an expectant Mom, eat to ensure that you stay healthy as your infant grows? What vitamins do you need if you’re breastfeeding to ensure that you’re passing along the right nutrients to your infant?

This site is a great resource for any mother especially, new mothers. It explains through detailed videos how much nutrition a baby needs, and at what age. They also very much support breastfeeding a child. Breast milk has more nutrients than any formula.

This site is put together by doctors, from all over, and in every field.

They unveiled this site on Monday with a live webcast. to see the video you can go here

**I think this site is great very informative and helpful. Although It’s just starting out there is only 14 videos for infant nutrtion. I’m sure it will expand though! Visit the site

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Mead Johnson. Mom Central sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

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