Holiday Gift Guide:Name Your Tune CD (Giveaway)

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From site:Name Your Tune is an exciting new children’s music compilation that is made-to-order and personalized for each child. Children will hear their name more than 80 times throughout 14 much-loved songs. A great way to enjoy music, have fun, and learn together!





***I had the songs on the CD split between all three of my kids.   I have never seen my kids so excited to hear their name. especially in their favorite songs. Some of the songs featured are the wheels on the bus, old McDonald had a farm, and more. My children want to listen to it all the time. This has become one of their favorite CDs.They do fight over which song should play.

Retail price:$20.00


Go buy a Name Your Tune CD now and you can get $5 off by using the code ‘notimemom’

Just for you:

I have one CD to giveaway to a lucky reader personalized for their child.

Visit and leave me a comment with your favorite song featured on the CD.

This is a mandatory entry and I will check to make sure you visited the site.

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Contest closes on 11/27/09

Disclosure-I received product for free in exchange for my review this however does not affect my personal views.








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57 thoughts on “Holiday Gift Guide:Name Your Tune CD (Giveaway)

  1. I had something like this for my oldest daughter, and she LOVED it. I know my 2.5 year old daughter would love it, too. Her favorite song would probably be the ABC Medley because she is obsessed with the alphabet. This would be a great stocking stuffer for her!

  2. A small offtopic comment on this, Im using the google chrome webbrowser, but it looks like your blog is not displaying correctly… Just to let you know. Regards.

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