Bob the Builder: Building Crew Holiday Collection

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Product Description:

Just in time for the holidays, discover why “the fun is in getting it done” in these action-packed, fun-filled adventures! Join Bob and the Can- Do Crew as they rescue their friend from a winter storm in “Bob’s White Christmas.” Then it’s time to build a log cabin and smooth the ice rink for the Winter Games. And finally, come along as Bob and Scoop hunt for buried treasure – and make some amazing discoveries – in this one-of-a-kind collection that’s the perfect holiday treat for Bob the Builder fans.
This DVD features 3 movies
Digging for Treasure
The Bobblesberg Winter Games
Bob’s White Christmas
****My son loves Bob the Builder and really liked this movies. for me I have the Bob the Builder can we fix it song stuck in my head.  We really enjoyed watching Bob in the snow and celebrating christmas.
(SRP)Retail: $19.99
Running time: 127 minutes
release date:10/13/2009
Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for this post, I did however receive a free copy of this product to perform my review.
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